Farming after the Rain

Electric Rain…well, sort of…

The rainy days came with a vengeance – really dark overcast clouds poured large drops of rain, the type that makes one say, “it’s raining cats and dogs”! The most perplexing thing about these rains is that they come after you think they wouldn’t come at all – meaning the sun was shining really really brightly but a minute after the dark clouds rule.

When the rains come, especially heavy ones, the electricity almost always goes out in time with first drop. The electric company is that predictable during rainy days. And, yes, they are very unpredictable on sunny days because even without a breeze of any sort the power would just go out. Well, the unfortunate thing is that when I have deadlines (for my online job), the jokers at the power company play with me – cutting power off for hours! I promised myself that I’d save hard for a generator ๐Ÿ˜€

Farming in the Rain…

The rain had made the soil ready for farming – but since I hate earthworms (which will surely come out from the wet soil), I decided to “farm” in my computer instead. ๐Ÿ˜€ Here’s my progress for the afternoon.

No sprinklers yet :(

No sprinklers yet ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Constant Power Outages in my Barangay

The electricity line in my barangay is really crazy – there are almost always power outages at least once a month. This month, they certainly outdid themselves with brown outs almost every night or day! The outages can last for as fast as 2 seconds or as long as 12 hours (or longer)!

Who should be blamed here? Perhaps there are a lot of people to blameย  – the electric company would be top on the list. They would surely be followed by whoever it was that cut off the power – that means that it’s still the electric company ๐Ÿ˜› Plus whoever it was that created the wirings and stuff, etc. Grrrrr I am just mad so I am blabbing ๐Ÿ˜€ blah blah blah

And to think that I have assignments to pass! I do have an online job Mr. Power Outage!

p.s. Mr. Xavier, don’t you dare comment on this!